Tulle meets Chihuly
Can somebody pinch me? I cannot handle these images. This mama and I are destined to be best buds and we live super close, so I was pretty much guaranteed to love this session before we even started. I enjoyed all of our correspondence and was excited about the outfits I had been teased with. And they did not disappoint! (Seriously, what do you love more the tulle skirts or those heels??)
It rained the whole time we were inside, making us thank our lucky stars for moving the location inside. Can you believe we had first planned on snow?! Not only did the famous Museum of Glass give us cool backdrops to work with, but it also gave us some fantastic lighting!! This spot below sits under the needle. We could barely see the needle it was so gray and rainy out. But it couldn't have been more perfect for us inside.
You know when you see two people and you think "Awwwww" before they even say anything?! Yeah, that's these two. They were so sweet and kind to each other and their children. I wanted so badly to capture their love for each other. I didn't even play music for them to dance! They didn't need it. :)
I was debating on whether or not to include this next little story, but I think its beautiful and worth sharing! The littlest sister cut her bangs the day before our session. I received the picture. Slightly horrifying, mostly funny. I offered the family a chance to reschedule, but the mom replied that the kids grow so quickly and she can't wait to have these images to look back on and remember this time. How beautiful. I am sure she was the kind of Mom that didn't really freak out, but just laughed instead. What else are you going to do?! And as you can see below, her bangs really are gone, but at least now they will always be able to tease her about it.
I am always so thankful when I meet new clients and absolutely fall in love with them. Double win when I use a new location and fall in love with it as well. I am so thankful we switched locations instead of dates and that we kept our session after the dreaded DIY three year old hair cut. I told you 2018 was THE year.
It looks like I need to update my style guide because I am a-okay with all my clients dressing like this. :) Bring on the tulle. Bring on the Chihuly.